
Friday, October 12, 2007

Why Speakers Fail To Hit The Mark?

Spot the Leader


There are many successful ways to deliver a presentation and more ways to fail at it. Before you start the presentation, you need to practice and practice. A lack of adequate practice and preparation is at the root of the common mistakes that speakers make, professional speakers included.

Learn from the Best

Not Understanding The Assignment
It is critical to understand why there is a schedule for speaker to speak to a particular group at a particular time. Such understanding necessitates that you read about the organization, get information about the audience current challenges and hot buttons, and learning what the meeting planner has in mind for presentation.
Short five to ten minutes conversations with meeting planner over the phone may not supply you all you need to know in that area.
If you are a celebrity speaker, you are brought in so that people in the audience can go home and say "I saw so and so".
It barely matters what you speak about as long as you are semi-coherent and do not offend the group.

Cheers to your Financial Freedom!

Lay Peng